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Rose' Fever reaches an unprecedented level for Wine Lovers across the Country This summer of 2018
By Bouvier Beale, jr.
As the summer reaches its real starting point with the July 4th " weekend" that this year will last all week, since the holiday itself falls on a Wednesday,
more Rose' wine than ever before will be enjoyed at beaches, parties, cookouts, etc. 
Even some movie theaters have begun offering wine and beer to over age 21 guests, as a way of competing with the internet and Netflix. You can bet with the current near hysterical demand for more and more Rose', that many of those theaters will be searching for an appropriate Rose' to serve up.
Grey Gardens Rose' is a first release from a new wine company called Grey Gardens, founded by the nephew and grandson of the two Edies, as a way to help spread the word at first, in New York, and then more far flung locations, of the benefits of Long Island's fantastic, but under appreciated European style fine varietal wines. So, what varietal is a Grey Gardens Rose' ?, you may ask.
Well, as you wine lovers have no doubt noticed, most Rose's you have enjoyed lately, don't seem to feature any particular single grape varietal, do they? There's a good reason for that. The French and Italians discovered years ago that single varietal Rose's, actually a type of red wine since they contain only 100% red fermented grape juice, being a rather light and delicate tasting concoction, don't benefit from using a single distinctive tasting grape. Thus, most good Rose's are always a blend of the winemaker's or vineyardist's choice of several different grape types always available from their wine growing areas. In other words, it's all about "blending", where the true art of the winemaker/blender stands out. White grape types are almost never used.
Master Blender for Grey Gardens Wines, Bouvier Beale, jr., drawing on his previous 20 years experience as a California wine distributor exclusively for small and artisan type wineries, has tasted and evaluated literally 1,000's of Rose' and other fine wines to determine if they will sell well in the marketplace. Thus, the arrived at blend for the 2016 vintage of Cabernet Sauvignon, 40%, Merlot, 40% and Cabernet Franc, 20% has hit it out of the park, according to wine lovers and the local wine press in the Hamptons area of the south fork of Long Island itself . See attached recent articles from the South Hampton Press
and the Dan's Papers Rose' Festival  write up.  
We hope you all enjoy a terrific summer sipping away at your Grey Gardens Rose'. Bottles or cases can be purchased online and shipped to all those over age 21 - with free shipping for 6 bottles or more, what a deal -at:
Keep in mind for all orders outside of New York State - no tax will be charged. 
Happy Sipping
Bouvier Beale, Jr.